De-centralised STPs

Decentralised STP to treat wastewater

De-centralised STPs

Japan has developed Jhokasou – A decentralized treatment approach and used this concept effectively for wastewater systems. These systems have been in use for over 4 decades in Japan and in India too these systems are gaining popularity. They are highly modular and can be easily installed block by block or building by building without any complicated civil work or large land area requirement that creates a bottleneck with the traditional systems. They are also highly scalable – to add capacity, simply add more modules. Further they treat the waste at source without waiting for it to be aggregated at one place that only compounds the problem


  • Capacity ranges from 1KLD to 500KLD
  • Highly modular and scalable
  • Low energy consumption, no operator required, nitrogen and phosphorus treatment, low sludge generation low maintenance requirement


  • Core concept is “Treat at the Site, Reuse at the Site”
  • Treatment involves five chambers – decantation, anaerobic, MBBR, sedimentation and disinfection
  • Available in three different models catering to varying output requirements