Corrective dredging

River training by channelizing their flow away from flood prone areas

Corrective dredging

During monsoons many low lying areas of the country are water logged and this causes irreparable loss to life and property in adjoining districts. We are working on Flood Free Guwahati to build a diversion channel for River Brahmaputra and in Uttar Pradesh across 10 locations to train Rivers such as Ghaghara, Saryu and Rapti through corrective dredging to change their course away from highly populated areas

Corrective Dredging Features

Dredges have cutterheads to agitate the sediments that are then pumped and transported through floating pipelines hundreds of meters away Solid Pumping Capacity ranges from 100-400 CuM per Hour Dredge depth of up to 10m can be achieved

Corrective Dredging Features

Dredges are either single truck transportable or compact so that they can be shifted between sites within 24-48 hours Dredges are either self propelled or supplied with towing boats