Supply of floating trash skimmer machine with 5 year O&M for cleaning Hussainsagar lake

Under a JICA sponsored project to cleanup Hussainsagar lake in the centre of Hyderabad city, we were selected to supply floating trash skimmer and amphibious excavator machineries to keep the lake surface free of all floating waste materials that enter from Kukatpally and other nallahs. The lake is a prominent tourist spot and is the pride of the city as it is surrounded by the famous Necklace Road and adjoining areas that have the Govt secretariat, leading hotels and posh residential colonies. With the amphibious excavators we had to desilt Kukatpally nallah and use the sediment to make islands within the lake for migratory birds. Five year comprehensive operation and maintenance of these machines was also in our scope. Based on the success of this project HMDA went on to buy six more big and small floating trash collectors to further augment their lake cleanup work at Hussainsagar and various other lakes in the city



Supply of floating trash skimmer machine with 5 year O&M for cleaning Hussainsagar lake

Under a JICA sponsored project to cleanup Hussainsagar lake in the centre of Hyderabad city, we were selected to supply floating trash skimmer and amphibious excavator machineries to keep the lake surface free of all floating waste materials that enter from Kukatpally and other nallahs. The lake is a prominent tourist spot and is the pride of the city as it is surrounded by the famous Necklace Road and adjoining areas that have the Govt secretariat, leading hotels and posh residential colonies. With the amphibious excavators we had to desilt Kukatpally nallah and use the sediment to make islands within the lake for migratory birds. Five year comprehensive operation and maintenance of these machines was also in our scope. Based on the success of this project HMDA went on to buy six more big and small floating trash collectors to further augment their lake cleanup work at Hussainsagar and various other lakes in the city