Supply of floating trash skimmer machine with 5 year O&M for cleaning Sabarmati river
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation launched a program to cleanup River Sabaramati and to beautify the stretch on the lines of River Thames in London. This was a dream project conceived by the Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi who was at that time the Chief Minister of Gujarat. SRFDCL (Sabarmati Riverfront Dev Corp Ltd) was created as a special purpose vehicle to implement this vision. We supplied a river trash skimmer to clean up the entire river stretch and other contractors built the embankment and built walkways, parks etc. The project was inaugurated by the Hon’ble PM. Thereafter, AMC has purchased three more machines with five year comprehensive O&M to keep the river spotless clean which has now become a major tourist spot. Sea plane service has been started from the river to the Statue of Unity in 2020 |